Paperless Businesses are Operating – At a Profit!
Businesses around the world have created a somewhat domino effect in becoming more environmentally friendly by adopting a digital ethos. Besides being detrimental to the environment, paper processes can amount to hundreds and thousands in business expenditure per year. Digital Job Management solutions are being considered as the most economical implementation in a business, as the cost of paper alone could justify the use of an electronic system.
Have You Considered The Other Benefits of Going Paperless?
1. Complete Compliance
Regulating compliance is important when there are many elements in a workflow process. Making use of a system that offers an audit trail adds a name to every action taken. Whether it be against a quote, a job done by one of your field workers or a purchase order. When staff are aware of organisational transparency it ensures they utilise best practices.
2. Dead-on Data
Paper-based processes do not guarantee that all the necessary information is captured correctly and on time. Implementing a digital system, where mandatory fields can be selected makes sure, at that point in time, all vital information is captured. This saves your employees the time having to retrace and recapture. Using a paperless system also ensures that none of your data goes missing or is damaged and ensures all information is correct and useful.
3. Immediate Information
It is every business owners dream to have all company and customer information at the end of their fingertips. A Digital Job Management Solution offers a platform that is accessible from anywhere, at any time. Business owners need to stay involved and be informed of every aspect of their business. By using a full-featured system, that encapsulates all business information such as what is coming in, going out and what’s to come will ensure you are on top of your game. Its all about having what you need when you need it without having to ask for it.
4. Simply Streamlined
Having a process that works for you may in actual fact be working against you. It gets extremely difficult to manage moving parts, especially when manual processes are used, as we all know people don’t come foolproof. A digital job management system can be used as a guideline for the steps to take. It can also make you aware of what needs to be done and what to do first. It keeps staff informed, organised and keeps your workflow structured.
5. Totally Time-Saving
Time is often wasted on waiting for paperwork, waiting for approval or waiting for people. A paperless system could eliminate possibly hours waiting for all of the above. Your staff will have access to the information they need as it’s completed. Quotes built on site, job cards, timesheets, customer surveys, you name it! Integrated with a Mobile App means your staff in the field can hand in any job documentation before they even get back to the office.
An Electronic Job Management solution could offer you more than just a clean environment. Eworks Manager’s full-featured and Paperless Job Management system is a solution that will allow you to operate not only completely paperless but also with efficiency, speed and structure.
Register For a Free 14-Day Trial and See How These Benefits Can Work For You